How does Enlighten use estimated production?

Review estimated production and how it helps Enlighten manage your solar performance

Enlighten evaluates system performance by comparing actual production data to estimated production provided by system owners or installers.

When estimated production has been provided for an individual system:

  • Enlighten displays monthly and lifetime percentages (estimated/actual) on the system sidebar. Since at least one full day of production is required to calculate the monthly percentage, this value does not display on the first day of each month.
  • Enlighten displays estimated production on energy graphs for comparison to actual production.
  • Enlighten enables the Production Threshold, which uses estimated energy production to determine if a system is experiencing a Production Issue.

If you manage multiple Enphase systems, and you’ve provided estimated production for those systems:

  • You can add columns to the Systems List that show the monthly and lifetime percentages (estimated/actual) of those systems with estimated production data.
  • Enlighten displays aggregated monthly and lifetime percentages (estimated/actual) for those systems with estimated production data on the Systems List sidebar.
Related Categories: Software Enlighten Manager