Detect new microinverters

When a new system is installed or an existing system has been expanded, the microinverters need to be detected by the gateway.

We have two methods for doing this:

  • Launch a PLC scan to the gateway.
    We go to the “Devices” tab

    We click on gateway XXX

    Scan for new devices.

    Please note: This can also be done on-site on the ITK > Step 2 > Gateway > Launch PLC scan or by pressing the bottom button of the gateway.

    Manual provisioning :

    On the Devices tab, under the microinverter list, you have the option of entering the serial numbers of the devices that should be provisioned to the gateway

    The gateway on which the microinverters need to be provisioned on must be selected and the serial numbers of the new devices entered.

    How to retire microinverters

    The microinverters that don’t belong (or no longer belong) to the system and need to be removed/retired have to be selected.

    Once all are selected, you can click the button on top of the list to retire/remove them.