Why don’t I see numbers on my panels?

Understand possible reasons why Enlighten is not displaying numbers on your screen

The first possibility for numbers not appearing on the panels is that you are at a zoom level where the panels are too small for numbers to be visible. Zoom in using the tool on the left of the array view to see if the panel numbers appear.

If zooming in doesn’t result in the panel numbers appearing, you are seeing a system-level view. The system-level view is based on the average of the production across all modules in the system.

You see a system level view in these cases:

  • On the system summary tab, where the system-level view displays for all systems.
  • The system is large (>600 modules) with several arrays. To see panel numbers for an array, click the array on the map view or select it from the drop-down list.
  • The version of Enlighten designed for system owners (rather than solar professionals) displays system-level information exclusively. If you do not have a Devices tab in the upper-right corner of the screen, you have the system owner version of Enlighten.
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