Service-on-the-Go with the Installer App

Submit a warranty request for a device

Follow these steps to use Service-on-the-Go with the Installer mobile app.

  1. Open the Installer App 3.0

  2. From the systems list, tap the system you are working with.

    Note: You must have Installer or PV maintainer access to the system.

    To learn how to request access, click here. (link to How to request access page)

  3. Scroll down and select “Request return and Install replacement” under the Service section.

Request return

  1. Tap Request Return.

  2. Select the address that the replacement should be sent to.


    The screen shows the address on file for the installer and the installed location for the device.

  4. Scroll down and select the serial number of the device for which you want to submit a warranty request, insert a comment and then tap Submit.

  6. The system will confirm the request with a message.

    If it is not approved automatically, it will be sent to review and we will get back to you shortly.


    For “How install a replacement” click here (link to how to install a replacement).

Open a case related to a specific system

  1. From the systems list, tap the system you are working with.

    Note: You must have Installer or PV maintainer access to the system.

    To learn how to request access, click here. (link to How to request access page)

  2. Scroll down and select “Create support case” under the Service section.

  3. Scroll down and select “Create support case” under the Service section.