How do I provide a System Owner with Enlighten Manager?

Get tips on how to install Enlighten Manager on a system owner's device

Effective January 15, 2014, MyEnlighten is the default monitoring software provided to all new system owners. If you wish to provide Enlighten Manager to a system owner, use the System Activation form and complete the following steps. You can make this change at any time during Activation or after the system has been activated.

  1. In the Owner information section, click the Change Enlighten Version drop-down arrow to display the fields.
  2. Enter the required credit card information to pay the one-time activation fee (learn about how Enphase handles credit card charges).
  3. Click Save after you have filled out all the required Activation fields.
  4. After you click Save, Enlighten sends you an email confirming your payment of the one-time activation fee for the system owner.
Related Categories: Software Enlighten Manager