How do I change the date range or switch from energy to power?

Learn how to alter variables like date and energy on the View and Graph screens

On the View and Graph screens, use the Energy/Power drop-down menu to update the display with energy or power data within the date range of your choice.

Under Energy, choose from pre-defined date ranges (Today, Past 7 Days, Month to Date, Year to Date, or the system Lifetime), or define a custom range of any size. Under Power, choose from pre-defined date ranges (Today or Past 7 Days), or define a custom range of up to 7 days.

Click Custom Range to select a range not listed on the drop-down menu. Select a Start date and End date (no more than seven days for Power), then click Done.

To see energy or power for a single day, select the same day for the Start and End dates.

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