
What to expect when your Envoy is reconnected to the Internet

Congratulations! Your Envoy is back online. Here's what to expect next.

Once your Envoy is reconnected, it may take anywhere from a few minutes to several days for the data to re-sync. If your system just recently stopped reporting, MyEnlighten should update with today’s power and energy data within an hour.

However, if your Envoy has been offline for many weeks or months, it may take several days for all cached (saved) data to be uploaded to Enlighten. A general rule of thumb is that systems with 20-25 microinverters will take one hour to sync for every day of cached data. You can extrapolate time to sync based on your system size.

The Envoy processes this data in the order in which it was collected; first in, first out. This means that your Envoy may be connected to Enlighten, but no current data will be displayed until “catch up reporting” is complete. In this case, your MyEnlighten status indicator will update to “No Microinverters are reporting data to the Envoy.”

But not to worry -- this alert will clear once the Envoy has caught up and the cached data is finished syncing.

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