What does it mean to have a public view of my system?

Review what the public view is on enphasecom and the primary differences for a MyEnlighten account

When you make your system public, anyone can view it. A link to a public view of your system is included in the Enlighten reference list and your solar installer’s reference list.

A public view is different from your MyEnlighten view in the following ways:

  • If you choose the generic label instead of your actual system name, then “Residential System” displays as the name in the public view.
  • You address does not display.
  • Your Settings cannot be accessed.
  • Report generation is not available.
  • The System Details are expanded to show a view of your system layout.

To make your system public:

  1. Click the drop-down arrow next to Signed in as… and choose Settings. In the Enlighten Mobile app, tap through to the Menu screen and then tap Account.
  2. Scroll down to System Preferences.
  3. Select Create a public page for my system. You can also click Preview public page to see the public view.

  4. In Display system name as, choose whether the public view shows your system name or the generic label “Residential System.”
  5. Click Save System Preferences.
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