How do I set up the Envoy if there is a firewall?

Learn how to configure the Envoy and Envoy-S network settings if there is a firewall enabled at the site

Usually, as a default on broadband routers, all outbound connections are allowed and any restrictions are normally in place for inbound communications.

However, if outbound firewall rules are applied at the site, you must configure a static IP address for the Envoy and add new rules that allow outbound access as follows:

Envoy Firewall Settings:

Direction  Source Protocol Port Destination
OUT <Envoy IP address> TCP 80, 443
OUT <Envoy IP address> UDP 80
OUT <Envoy IP address> TPC 443
OUT <Envoy IP address> UDP 123 OR

* OR


Envoy-S Firewall Settings:

Direction  Source Protocol Port Destination
OUT <Envoy IP address> TCP 443, 80
OUT <Envoy IP address> TCP 443, 80
OUT <Envoy IP address> UDP, 80
Related Categories: Envoy